The Thought of Confucius and its Parallels with Islamic Ideas

Mariya Golovacheva


This paper presents a brief introduction to the thought of Confucius and analyses some of his ideas through the lens of Islam, highlighting the points of convergence and key differences, and occasionally drawing attention to the ways in which Chinese Muslim thinkers have proclaimed their compatibility with and even embeddedness in Confucian culture. A historical overview is followed by the examination of the concepts of li (rituals), Dao (way), wu-wei (non-coercion), junzi (a perfect gentleman), filial piety, which is compared with such ideas in Islamic tradition as fiqh, Sharia, Sunna, reign of philosopher-king, the respect accorded to parents. The paper ends with a discussion of the role of metaphysics in the thought of the Chinese sage, which stands in stark contrast with the vision of Islam.

Volume: Cilt 14 (2021)

Issue: Sayı 2