ISLAMIC PEDAGOGY: AN ANALYSIS FROM THE QUR’ANIC POINT OF VIEW ইসলামী শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান: আল-কুরআনের আলোকে একটি পর্যালোচনা

Muhammad Obaidullah and Abdullah Al-Amin


The article tries to show the nature and articulate a model of Islamic pedagogy. It describes the concept of Islamic education and its nature, significance, principles, objectives and aims in brief. It is known to us that the existing education systems in the contemporary world are failed in many cases from various points of views. Therefore, it is freequently observed that highly educated persons are also involved in corruptions and other illegal actions. The money and power become the two mostly desired goals of this life. As a result, peace and harmony are being quite impossible issues in the society. Killing innocent people, kidnapping, hijacking, roboring, fightining each other, religious riots are, therefore, freequently observed in the society and become headache for the concerned people. They are trying to overcome the situation but failed. In the west, their education systems are really appreciatable from worldly views as they are growing up faster and their developments are mentionable. However, they are not happy and a good number of people are committing suicide to escape their achievement. Because, those education systems are failed to provide moral and ethical education to them. They are frustrated as they do not understand the meaning of life and its finality. The situation can be changed through Islamic education as it integrates both worldly and eternal education and provide a real life to the people. This education teaches them that they are responsible for such works and they will be asked for them as they are accountable for all he/she does in this world. It is also mentionable that human thinking is limited and narrow from any sense. On the other hand, Allah knows everything. His education system, therefore, a completed education system that could be most useful for any society and generation in any context. Islam as the last and final code of life, its education system is also complete. However, there are many conceptions about Islamic education and its pedagogy. This paper, therefore, tries to eradicated those conceptions and provides such strategically suggestions to implement Islamic pedagogy into the education system and to be highly benefited from it. This article will be useful for the policy makers, academicians, researchers, students and those who are interested in learning about the Islamic pedagogy in true sense. The methodology used in this study is discriptive and analytic. The main two sources of Islamic knowledge, the Qur’an and the Hadith have been considered as primary sources of this study. Other secondary sources have also been studied carefully and qouted frequently to show the results of the study.

Volume: CİLT 12 (2019)

Issue: Sayı 1