Essential future of social sciences at the present stage is their increasing interaction.
It can be explained by the complication of the modern relationships, which in
the on-going process of globalization includes more and more interactions
of various cultures. Cultural differences as a barrier for effective growth and
development of social units are often misunderstood and second-rate factors
are promoted to explain the failures of success. In big degree this is result of the
restricted approaches in which every branch of social sciences is trying to explain
the problems on its own language neglecting the opportunities of the complex
approach. Meanwhile it is just the multidisciplinary methodology which helps
to shed light on the complicated nature of multicultural relations. In short run
individuals are trying to improve their utility functions by increasing the number
of values from other cultures. It is clear however that in some cases there can be
a loss of cultural identity when the individuals change their value structure by
increasing the share of global culture beyond the level needed to keep cultural
identity intact.

Volume: CİLT 2 (2009)

Issue: SAYI 1