Conversion to Islam in China: Previous Fieldwork Research and New Observation

Ma Qiang and Wang Haichao


This paper explores an emerging social phenomenon of how non-Muslims convert to Islam in current China and suggests seven categories of determinants enforced that conversion. Following up the social life of newly converted Muslims in terms of acquiring Islamic knowledge and conducting religious rituals, in particular, it closely examines the transformation of cultural consciousness and religious practices when transferred from original social groups to the Muslim community. Compared to a conventional understanding that conversion may happen in the traditional Muslim concentrated locations, instead, it happens frequently in coastal cities and metropolises where less ethnic imprint and stereotypes existed. The inclusive, pluralistic and modern urban culture gives the converts free choice and opportunities to practice Islamic culture. The different contexts from which the converts accept and acculturate Islam will also make sense to their ethnic identity, factional adherence, and cultural inclination.

Volume: CİLT 15 (2022)

Issue: 1. Sayı